Kez Dj & music producer 

KEZ bio... 

Upcoming hardhouse Dj 
I first became interested in Djing about a year ago I was at a friend's house party id never seen girls mixing before it looked fun. I decided to install an app on my phone and give it a try I later purchased a set of decks pioneer xdj R1 and began practicing on these. I joined Amber d o line tutorials and learnt alot from her tutorial videos and do tasks she creates and get feedback on my mixes once she has listened to the. I have also done a few collaborations with an amazing talented Dj and music producer Drake Liddle which include 


Take advantage 

Keep me up

All which can be found on toolbox digital. Com 

Earlier this year I did a 2hour set for foxfm after dark radio and a 1 hour set for wanted underground sounds who later made me a resident dj. I now also stream on Facebook for unique bounce group every other day and which I really enjoy😊 and I also am a host on BIGO live streams 

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.Kerri Ann Carstairs - SoundCloud

Check out Kerri Ann Carstairs on #SoundCloud

Kez / DJ and Producer / All rights reserved
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